U.S. Fund for UNICEF

Trick-or-Treat Program

UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, believes that nurturing and caring for children is the cornerstone of human progress. UNICEF was created to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path. They believe that together communities can advance the cause of humanity, and advocate for measures to give children the best start in life. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is a 59-year-old education and fundraising initiative that gives US children the opportunity to learn about their peers worldwide who are truly in need – and to raise money on their behalf. US children have collected $144 million by going door-to-door with the trademark orange collection boxes on Halloween.

The challenge

UNICEF’s Trick-or-Treat participant database had been poorly managed by their prior fulfillment company. Many of the records were duplicates, outdated or incorrect. The call center tasked with taking Trick-or-Treat collection box orders was unable to work with the database and report program participation. In addition, UNICEF needed to take cost out of the program in order to deliver higher revenue to the actual programs.

The solution

All Points positively impacted the Trick-or-Treat program in several ways:

  • Eliminated duplicate or incorrect shipping by setting up standardized data cleansing processes
  • Implemented a new shipping/mail delivery program that minimizes zone shipments
  • Created a pre-fill component of the campaign, where past successful participants are automatically set up to receive the same number of campaign boxes the next year
  • Developed an online order form for Trick-or-Treat box orders
  • Manage the participation database so UNICEF now has anytime online access to real-time participant data
  • Apply packaging efficiencies to the fulfillment line that reduces production time, enabling us to consistently reduce labor costs
  • Provide the UNICEF team with direct access to real-time shipping records, which reduces call center personnel time per call

The result

Our solution was a proven success, because we managed to help our client by: All Points significantly improved UNICEF’s Trick-or-Treat program by overhauling the participant database and optimizing fulfillment processes. They eliminated duplicate records, implemented a cost-effective shipping program, and set up an automatic pre-fill campaign for recurring participants. An online order system and real-time data access streamlined operations. These changes resulted in over $200,000 in shipping cost savings, reduced labor and call center costs, and enhanced overall program efficiency.

Saving over $200,000 in shipping costs

Reducing call center personnel time on call

Reducing return shipping costs

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